Not only for sport injuries we treat a wide range of musculoskeletal and spinal injures.
Medical Examination- We start by taking a detailed medical history of any past and ongoing medical issues. We then concentrate on your current injury, by the end of this conversation we will have a good idea of what’s causing your pain.
Physical examination- Physical examination allows us to rule in and rule out possible causes.
Diagnosis- Following the previous steps we have identified possible causes which have then been confirmed by our physical findings leading to a diagnosis.
Treatment - Usually consists of Manual therapy, Mobilisation and manipulative therapy, Shockwave therapy, Acupuncture, Cupping therapy, Rock blades and Taping.
Plan - Following examination, diagnosis and treatment. We work together to come up with a home exercise plan and any required follow ups. We aim to get you back on your feet in 3 to 5 sessions although all injuries differ some requiring more time then others. Patient’s then often choose to return to clinic for ongoing maintenance especially those who are training at a high level or that have occupations leading to postural related tightness.
Acute and chronic injuries
Joint Injuries / Rehabilitation
Spinal Injury / Rehabilitation
People looking to address the cause of their pain not just treat the symptoms